
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Whiny vs. "Wow, that is very helpful"- Personal in your Blog

In regards to how personal you can be on your blog, I think the answer is dependent on what your blog is about & what you want to achieve with it. For example, let’s think of a few types of blogs: 

The “Just Because I’m Awesome” Blog: 
          If you want to create a blog “just because” you think the whole world would die without knowing what you think- then I’d imagine being very personal is a high motivation. I also want to categorize blogs that people create for their family & friends to follow a life event- a wedding blog, a travel blog, a baby growing up blog- into this category. The audience on these personal family & friend blogs is subscribing to the information to keep up-to-date with the writer, but everything is personal…100%. 

The "Fitness/ Fashion/ Make-Up" or "Entrepreneurs/ Business Owners/ Marketing Tips" Blog: 
          Woah, that was a long title, huh? Regardless of the specific topic, these are forums for people of the same niche to get together and “talk shop”. I recently looked up many Halloween Make-Up Blogs to get ideas for my awesomely scary Halloween Makeup (it was creepy nutcracker doll in case you were wondering, and it was awesome). All of these style blogs require a good amount of a personal touch. The audience wants to relate to the blogger because they want advice, motivation or information in that specific realm. 
          There is a thin line to personal touch, because if a blogger starts venting too much, getting very negative or whining- I personally shut down and will never look at their blog again.  Although it’s not a blog-blog, Yelp reminds me of this point. I like to read reviews that give good information such as, “I suggest parking in this area, because the other lot fills up completely at 6pm”, or “I visited this gym, unfortunately 4 of the 10 treadmills were broken”. These tell me actual information not angry emotions, such as, “I went to this salon and the girl was super cranky and rude. Don’t ever go there, you are wasting your time”, or “Their food is disgusting. Nothing is cooked right, and the restaurant is gross.” Those comments give me nothing to go by as a reader, I don’t know the situation that occurred between the writer and the salon attendant, and I also don’t know what the other writer's food pallet is like. 

The “Textbook” Blog: 
          This blog is straight information, almost like a textbook- in that the information is factual to the industry or product its representing. If a blogger is discussing a How-To of installing a Spray Booth, or Car Engine, the information needs to be specific and straight forward. Bits of personal information can jump in, like “In my experience doing this trick first helps a lot”. Other than that, the posts are clean, informative and efficient, because the reader needs that exact information to get the job done. 

MY BLOG for my company (Pro Spot), well... A) It doesn’t exist, B) If it did exist, would likely only succeed if it was a combo of a “Talk Shop” Forum + Factual Expertise. The downside to a blog for my company is that we are a manufacturer. Creating content is difficult for me, because finding information that is classified as available for the public is hard to come by. Releasing too much information can give the competition a breakdown of how to mimic us. Also, we aren’t a B2C company, we work through a 3rd party distributor for sales- which just adds a bit more stickiness. I am trying to find a route for a blog, but my industry is a bunch of repair shop guys, who would rather get out there & tinker with a car then read on their phone about it. They are a “doer” culture, and I can’t imagine many even know what a blog is, unless it linked to photos of Pamela Anderson or stats on cool cars- but that would be steering from who we are and what we do. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Headhunting on Twitter

Write a blog post describing what search words you used to find your connections. Did you have to play around with more than one key term to start seeing the right results? Who did you end up finding?

  • "Welding"- This might be too vague because there are many types of welding, including fixing pipes- which is not our target market.
  • "Weld"- This might also be too vague, it didn't bring up much of anything. 
  • "MIG"- No results. 
  • "Mig Welding"- @wreckitrex leads to, I think this may be my favorite find. 
  • "Body Shop"-  This brought up results for the Beauty chain store "The Body Shop".
  • "Auto Body Shop"- This brought up lot of fire reports, which I found weird.
  • "Auto Repair"- This brought up a lot of posts and accounts that were more focused on maintenance & service, which are the same industry, but not our market.
  • "Welding Tips"- I found this page to follow @martinwelding. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Visual Social Media

Car-O-Liner is a company that also makes welders for the collision industry as well as laser alignment & straightening systems . Their social media accounts listed on their website include: YouTube & Facebook. Their only visual social media platform is YouTube- which links to a YouTube page called Alignment Systems. The YouTube page connected to their website, seems to focus more on their alignment products versus their welders. 
  • Effectiveness: I don't believe their YouTube channel is effective due to the fact that it doesn't promote their welders. It may be effective in their other products, but those aren't competition to us. 
  • Followers: The YouTube page has 73 subscribers and 284,936 views. 

Miller Welding makes welding equipment as well as our company and welding gear such as jackets, helmets, gloves, etc. The Miller website promotes four types of social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. While, they have quite a few social media platforms, their only visual platform is YouTube. When you follow the link to their YouTube page it leads to a 'Miller Welders' YouTube pages with great informative videos on welding techniques. 
  • Effectiveness: I think that the Miller Welding YouTube page is a great place for our customer base to go and get great information and creates brand recognition for Miller Welders. I would like to model our YouTube page after theirs. 
  • Followers: The YouTube page has 11,862 subscribers and 8,712,637 views. 

I have linked the Pro Spot YouTube Channel and Pro Spot Instagram to our Facebook page. The Instagram page was difficult to link because I manage a couple pages, so it took a bit more searching to get it done- but I did! For Facebook, I added the YouTube app to connect the two social media platforms. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The 4 Horsemen of Visual Social Media

FIRST....I am shocked by my research on Tumblr! 
Given my experience of seeing mostly magazine, food, and clothing sites, I was convinced that Tumblr's demographics would be mostly Caucasian/Women/18-34. Well, I was WRONG- Tumblr's highest demographics are MEN/18-24/Asian & Hispanic! 

Now, back to the assignment...
Time to Compare
YouTube seems to be the big-papa of Visual Social Media. With the highest number of users, 490 million and over 2 million views daily, YouTube is undeniable. I have a difficult time imagining what company wouldn't benefit from a YouTube channel.
Pros for Business:

  • + Popular: 490 Million Users & 2 million daily views.
  • + Demographic estimate: Predominantly male, studies have shown men prefer videos. 
  • + International Accessibility: On servers around the world. 
  • + Virality: The "holy grail" of internet marketing, going viral, is immensely more possible with the use of YouTube due to Mama Google (owner of YouTube). If your video is gaining popularity, Google will add SEO points to your page, giving you more visibility in search engines. 
  • + Interest: People are more likely to stay on your webpage longer if they are watching videos. 
  • + B2C Connection: Consumers feel like they "know" the business by seeing videos of the product (i.e., demonstrations, How Its Made, etc), speeches by the owner (i.e., Apple Keynote speeches), and more. 
  • Tagging: YouTube uses keywords for you to add to your video for better search capability in their search engines. 

Instagram is a phone app for photographs and recently, now short video clips. NEWS ALERT: Instagram will be adding advertisements, which is a mild disappointment as a casual user, but from a business minded aspect, I'm interested to see how they go about this. I do believe that these advertisements may lower some peoples interest in Instagram, but we will have to wait and see how it fends.
Pros for Business:

  • + Popular: 86 Million Users. 120,000 new blogs are created daily, creating 18 billion page views per month. 
  • + Demographic estimate: Women- studies have shown women respond and enjoy images most. 
  • + B2C Connection: Consumers can "get to know" the company better through "Behind the Scenes" photos, action photos, action video clips, and more. 
  • + Interest: If one person sees and likes one of your photos in their photo feed, then they are likely to go to your page and see what else you have posted. 
  • + Tagging: Instagram also uses hashtags to connect topics throughout the realms. 

Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp and owned by Yahoo! Inc. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Like YouTube, Twitter is owned by a top search engine company, Yahoo. Although, Yahoo is the 3rd search engine in traffic, Tumblr's affiliation can help SEO on Yahoo for company's with Tumblr accounts. 
Pros for Business:

  • + Popular: 50 Million Users
  • + Demographics: As I vented earlier, Tumblr's demographics boggled my mind. Demographic highs are Men/18-24/Asian & Hispanic. This is actual eye opening to me that I may start a Tumblr account for my business, in that our demographic is men, 18-34, and not specific to any race. 
  • + B2C Connection: Tumblr is a type of hybrid of YouTube, Instagram, and a Webpage- you can write blog material, post videos and photos. 
  • + Typical Users: There are 3 types of blogs that are more successful than others: fashion, large websites and publishing/broadcasting media. 

Pinterest is a content sharing service that allows members to "pin" images, videos and other objects to their virtual "pinboard".
Pros for Business:

  • + Popular: 11 Million Users. 1.36 Million users daily.  
  • + Turnaround: Second only to Facebook, Pinterest drives more traffic to publishers than Twitter and YouTube combined. This is very positive & hopefully lucrative for companies successfully using the website. 
  • + Demographics: Women/ Mothers/ 28% of users have $100,000 annual average income. 
  • + B2C Connection: I don't think that Pinterest connects the user to the company as much as YouTube or Tumblr, but it does let the consumer visually see exactly what the company sells. 
  • + Virality: Though these images don't go viral onto the internet and major search engines, they do have a way of going "viral" within the Pinterest realm. When one image is pinned to someones board, their followers see it pop up on theirs, and those pins that are extremely popular and pinned a lot, go in the Popular category for all to see. 
  • + Interest: Those who pin, spend a lot of time on the site. From my perspective, it's addictive. 

Which would work best my product or service?

Our service is manufacturing welding equipment. My goal in using our social media is to get consumers to "know" us, create brand recognition. When potential consumers even think about welding, I want them to immediately think "Pro Spot".

My company currently has a YouTube channel and Instagram:
YouTube: We are showing promotional videos and demonstration videos of our products.
Instagram: My goal with Instagram is to get people to constantly see our name "Pro Spot" when they see anything involving body shop repair. I post images of our products, weld art, interesting welding gear, and short videos of our manufacturing facility making parts as a "How Its Made".

What this lesson taught me: Aside from great information on each site that I didn't know about, I learned that I may be interested in starting a Tumblr account for my company. Previously I thought that Tumblr was geared more towards a female audience for fashion etc, I've learned that the demographics actually favor my customer base more. I would need to find enough information to make my Tumblr account a place where people go to learn about car body repair or car restoration. My only hesitation is finding material to post.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Coming up this week on Ashley's Page...

For my scheduled posts this week, I decided to use 3 different avenues to attract attention: Video, a link to an interested but industry related website, and a link for a call-to-action. Using my Facebook Insights, I know that my audience is typically on Facebook between the hours of 9a-5p, therefore I made sure all posts were scheduled between those hours.
Post 1: This is a call-to-action post. Our product requires new small parts to be purchased periodically, my post is to encourage our fans to follow the link to our Online Store and purchase parts. I scheduled this for mid-day on Monday, after our customers will have been at work for a while and this may be a needed item in their mind at the time.
Post 2: Advertising our 'Money Maker', I attached a video of the product with a catchy but true title: "The Most Popular Spot Welder in the United States." I also added a call-to-action, for our fans to come visit us at our upcoming trade show where they can see live demonstrations of said welder. This post I selected for Wednesday, late morning. I am debating on posting around 9am or 11am, I will see how insights do for this post and adjust accordingly next week.
Post 3: Here I tried to incorporate something fun into the post, art. There is an artist who uses our welders to create art. With a enticing title of: "Welding isn't just MIG, TIG, and Spot Welds... see what artist Alexandra Cronquist has created with [our products]..." and a link to her website. I am debating on editing in that she will also be at our upcoming trade show performing live art projects. This post will go out at the end of the week, Friday, at 9:45am.

I am eager to see how these posts perform. I also have been attempting additional networking opportunities to get more people in our industry to share our posts, expanding our reach.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


I would like to start with the fact that I LOVED Week 5's lecture. I learned so much about Facebook that I had no idea existed.

I eagerly took on the challenge of finding companies to strategically LIKE as my business. I LIKED our Distributors (sales team) pages, all CARSTAR location pages (current or future possible business), and media publications in our industry. I believe I liked something around 100 sites.

How might this feature grow my business?
Initially, in them seeing my liking their page, hopefully they will return the favor, and LIKE us back. By following these companies, I am able to LIKE their posts, SHARE their posts, and comment on them- therefore, gaining their attention to our business. Also, when I make posts about their companies, I can tag them in the post and they will receive notification of it.
UPDATE: It has now been 3 days since I added the majority of my LIKES. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a large rise in our number of LIKES, but it will take time. My industry, the collision repair industry, still has a large majority of 'old school' guys who don't use social media. Some companies are on social media, but I don't believe they are updating them consistently and often.

I did get one of our first 'shoutout' (I don't know the proper terminology) on Twitter today though, with a photo endorsing one of our products! YIPPIE! #socialmedianerdalert

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wk 5: Facebook's Post Reach v. Post Engagement

Define the difference between Post Reach & Post Engagement:

  • Post Reach- The Number of people who saw your post. 
  • Post Engagement- The unique number of people who liked, shared, commented on or clicked on your post. 

How can a business use Facebook Insights to better serve their customers:

Facebook Insights can be incredibly useful to a business to determine their perfect customer through analytics of what demographics are interacting with your posts. The tools of Insights can also help you to learn which content you post is successful, and which is not. 

Through Insights, I have learned that my page's followers prefer a Linked post or a Photo/Video post. Unfortunately for business owners, I have learned that my followers also are mostly on Facebook during work hours (9am-6pm). With the knowledge I have learned (and still plan to learn more), I will make more Video posts, which are those that have the most engagement, as well as those asking for interaction. I will make sure these posts are released through the Scheduling button between 9am-5pm all days of the week. 

I am still learning what content I want to use to engage best with our followers. Once, I determine what is best for us, I will then explore the idea of Boosting a post... but only when its a great one!