
Thursday, October 10, 2013


I would like to start with the fact that I LOVED Week 5's lecture. I learned so much about Facebook that I had no idea existed.

I eagerly took on the challenge of finding companies to strategically LIKE as my business. I LIKED our Distributors (sales team) pages, all CARSTAR location pages (current or future possible business), and media publications in our industry. I believe I liked something around 100 sites.

How might this feature grow my business?
Initially, in them seeing my liking their page, hopefully they will return the favor, and LIKE us back. By following these companies, I am able to LIKE their posts, SHARE their posts, and comment on them- therefore, gaining their attention to our business. Also, when I make posts about their companies, I can tag them in the post and they will receive notification of it.
UPDATE: It has now been 3 days since I added the majority of my LIKES. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a large rise in our number of LIKES, but it will take time. My industry, the collision repair industry, still has a large majority of 'old school' guys who don't use social media. Some companies are on social media, but I don't believe they are updating them consistently and often.

I did get one of our first 'shoutout' (I don't know the proper terminology) on Twitter today though, with a photo endorsing one of our products! YIPPIE! #socialmedianerdalert

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